Check out how BP modernizes their business and defends a vast digital perimeter against cyber-attacks, all while moving on-premises IT resources to the public cloud with @Microsoft365. Check out this video to learn how it can transform your organization’s user experience and security!
With #Microsoft #Office365 and Windows 10, #GeneralElectric is digitally enabling its 300,000-person workforce to make sense of machine data, realize productivity gains, and collaborate securely, at a velocity never before experienced. Learn more with this video:
You protect your people, assets, sales, profits, data, and brand. But are you doing all you can to protect yourself from the compliance and regulatory risks that your organization faces? #Microsoft can help. Check out this article and contact PC LINK to get started.
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Fraud Protection is a world-class platform that addresses these concerns and proactively identifies threats. Read more here:
In parts of Kenya, climate change has increased the length of the annual dry season and forced independent farmers to seek innovative solutions to confront this new challenge. Watch this video to learn how digital solutions powered by solar energy and Microsoft #Azure are delivering hope to the region’s farmers.
The chat feature in Microsoft #Teams is designed for the modern worker. It’s rich text capable and supports @mentions to ensure quick notification. Users can chat (and call and meet) across devices, including mobile.
Check out this flyer for more details about the collaboration, meetings and calling features. Teams is the hub for teamwork that brings everything together!
Gartner has identified 4 trends set to shape cloud adoption in 2020. What are they, and how will they impact your cloud adoption and migration journey? Read this article from Gartner and contact PC LINK to learn more.
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Fraud Protection is a trusted data platform that identifies operational, compliance, and credit risks while working to protect your revenue. This infographic visualizes the details and benefits in one easy-to-comprehend visual.
Learn how to manage financial risk and prevent fraud with #Microsoft. Subscribe today and contact PC LINK for more information!
Over 500,000 organizations use Microsoft Teams, the fastest growing business application in Microsoft history. Why? It’s a collaboration and communication hub like no other—with applications built right in. Meeting the needs of today’s modern workforce is easier when Teams is the backbone of the organization. Subscribe to PC LINK to learn more.
Meet your organization’s unique business and compliance needs when you make a cloud migration plan with @MicrosoftAzure. Learn from expert guidance and discover how migration can boost security and lower your TCO with this #Microsoft checklist: