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شريك Fujitsu المعتمد في مصر

لدى Fujitsu مجموعة من المنتجات والخدمات التي يمكن أن تساعدك على قيادة عملك بسرعة والإستجابة لإحتياجات العميل


Discover how Fujitsu can help you solve today's business challenges and take advantage of the new opportunities that digital technology offers.If you Looking for stunning marketing material in order to run a campaign, promote a product, solution or service this is the right place. There are several central campaigns ready to run in your market. Each campaign includes a set of key visuals, key messaging all pre-approved and ready for you to localize if required, promote and create awareness to your customers.Fujitsu also prepared a set of verticals campaigns for our main industries: Retail; Financial Services, Manufacturing, Automotive, and Healthcare Technology.

Contact us

Questions about which solutions are right for your organization? Need help locating an authorized reseller? We can help.

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