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19 مايو: New survey finds 22% of Americans have been targeted by digital fraud related to COVID-19

While the full economic impact of COVID-19 is still undetermined, United States Attorney Scott Brady noted, “I think we are really going to see an unprecedented wave of cyber attacks and cyber fraud. And that’s what we’re trying to prepare our partners and the public for.”

This article highlights the impact of COVID-19 as consumer spending shifts to e-commerce and fraud subsequently rises. Read the report here and learn how employing #MSDyn365Fraud targets these threats.


18 مايو: NSW: Assisting assistive technologies

According to the World Health Organization, only one in ten people living with a disability has access to assistive technologies. Microsoft is committed to changing this, and over the years has built inclusion into its products and services. One example is the Disability Answer Desk (DAD), a free 24/7 technical support resource. For enterprise customers, there’s also eDAD.

@MicrosoftTeams supports students learning at their own pace with assistive technologies and devices for all learning types. View this video to see how students are benefitting in New South Wales, Australia.


18 مايو: ANU: Storing the human genome

Thanks to the cloud, organizations can now take on more research projects than ever before, and scientists can gain instant access to powerful resources that allow them to run faster, more efficient investigations. In this video, you’ll learn how, via the data management capabilities of Microsoft #Azure, Australian National University (ANU) has been able to augment its research into more than 7 billion base pairs of DNA in the human genome.


17 مايو: Building a Microsoft Teams Custom Solutions practice

@MicrosoftTeams is not only the hub for teamwork, but it’s also the headquarters for partner services. With its extensive platform capabilities, Teams can deliver custom solutions for your and your customers’ businesses.

Use this roadmap with recommended steps to build your Custom Solutions practice. Each step includes links to in-depth, additional insight to help you and your customer. Need guidance or have questions? Connect with PC LINK