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03 يونيو: congatec brings next-gen performance plus real-time computing to compact, industrial form factors

Bringing next-gen performance plus real-time computing to compact, industrial form factors. This solution brief, brought to you by M&A Technolgy, describes how congatec is now able to bring high-performance processing, graphics, and I/Os to some of their smallest modules, thanks to #Intel Atom® x6000E Series processors plus Intel® Pentium® and Celeron® N and J series processors.


03 يونيو: Re-imagine your future workspace with Google Meet Series One hardware

Banish bad meeting with Google Meet hardware.

Google Meet Series One meeting room kits enable innovative and immersive meeting experiences that help people feel like they’re working together, not just meeting together.

Learn how your business can connect people, not devices, at “Re-imagine your future workspace with Google Meet Series One hardware,” brought to you by M&A Technolgy.


02 يونيو: New features and resources that help make the business case to switch to Chrome Enterprise

What if you could set your IT team free to innovate and advance rather than put out fires?

Google Chrome Enterprise unlocks the business capabilities of Chrome OS and Chrome devices, freeing IT to drive important business projects.

Learn the 3 significant reasons businesses are switching to Chrome Enterprise. Visit “New features and resources that help make the business case to switch to Chrome Enterprise,” brought to you by M&A Technolgy.


02 يونيو: Don’t miss another post! Subscribe now.

By moving to the cloud, enterprises can provide their infrastructure with future-proof ecosystems that support applications, websites, and services to help them meet their business goals and objectives. Follow PC LINK to gain key insights into how cloud technology is changing modern businesses and how Microsoft #Azure is providing organizations with a competitive edge in the digital age.