Using .NET helps you develop high quality applications faster, providing your best performance where it matters. Watch this video series from #Microsoft to learn more about what .NET is and how it can improve your services and response times.
2021 أبريل
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Empower your organization to drive innovation and growth with #Azure tools. Explore 3 benefits of modernizing your .NET apps on @MicrosoftAzure with this infographic.
Smart farming technology is vital to creating a more sustainable industry powered by automation and data-driven insights. Follow PC LINK to learn how digital tools are empowering farmers across the world via renewable energy solutions and IoT devices running on Microsoft #Azure #AI.
Fashion retailer BESTSELLER had a problem when it came to losing revenue to false returns and theft, but they couldn’t identify the issue consistently across geographies. They deployed Microsoft Dynamics 365 Fraud Protection to help. After a successful pilot program, BESTSELLER extended the program worldwide, saving millions of dollars in revenue as a result. Find out how in this video:
Long-time #Microsoft customer, #TheWalshGroup chose the Microsoft Azure team when they were ready to invest in integrated Threat Protection with a zero-trust approach. See how the company gained a competitive edge in the article below.
Streamline your IT services with #Microsoft cloud migration. Discover how the #CarlsbergGroup successfully migrated to #Azure to get scalable, efficient, and secure IT for a digital solution to market. Watch this video to learn more.
Dynamics 365 Fraud Protection is powered by the same technology that helps Microsoft protect more than 1 billion of its own e-commerce transactions each year, leading to hundreds of millions of dollars in savings related to fraud and increased acceptance rates for good transactions. Microsoft uses AI and analytics as a unique and powerful means of transforming fraud operations while securing against vulnerabilities. Now is the time to learn how you can protect your business against fraud.
In some parts of the world, sustainable farming conditions are possible only through modern technology. See how #IoT, solar energy, and Microsoft #Azure #AI are being used in parts of Kenya to provide farmers with stable income and the food they need to feed their families.
Let’s face it. Today’s students are already immersed in technology outside of school; offering them access to the business world’s best applications exposes students to future workforce possibilities. An organization in New South Wales, Australia deployed #Teams as its hub for educational collaboration and communication for students and staff. Watch this video to see how it’s working.
Need intelligent security solutions to protect your entire enterprise? Look no further than #Microsoft Advanced Threat Protection, #AzureSecurity, and #Azure Sentinel. To learn more about Microsoft’s four key areas of intelligent security, check out the infographic below.