2021 April

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28 Apr: Privacy, security, and compliance are prioritized in Microsoft Teams

Remote work has been on the rise globally for the past couple of years. As more people using digital applications to communicate and collaborate, the need for privacy, security, and compliance has never been so important. @MicrosoftTeams is committed to protecting your data, identity, and account information. It defends against cybersecurity threats and meets more than 90 compliance and regulatory standards. Microsoft is also committed to continued learning and ultimately offering the highest security possible.


27 Apr: Australian National University (ANU) addresses the computing demands of genome research

Digital tools have allowed experts to process previously unheard-of amounts of data, enabling them to publish their results faster and add more value to their ongoing research. Watch this video to learn how scientists at Australian National University (ANU) are using the cloud and #AI capabilities of Microsoft #Azure to achieve advancements in their cutting-edge genome research.


27 Apr: NSW: Affording a device in every hand

Integration with other apps is the key to @MicrosoftTeams success. Users appreciate seamless transitions between the Teams app and other Microsoft apps, including Word, Outlook, Excel, and OneNote, just to name a few. Meeting attendees have everything they need to collaborate, plan, and work—and it’s all at an affordable price point. View this video to learn how one organization in Australia capitalized on integration and affordability by choosing Teams.