2020 August

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12 Aug: Lackluster Teamwork? Tips For Boosting Performance

What are you doing to help your teams work better together?

#Teamwork is about more than just changing the way that employees communicate. It’s about understanding the roots of human behavior and putting in the work to keep your employees engaged. Check out this article for tips to boost teamwork in your business.

Need help getting started? Contact our team at PC LINK for more on how our #Microsoft Teamwork solutions can help your employees do their best work.


11 Aug: Digital Transformation in the Oil & Gas Industry: Combining Azure Cloud-Based Services

In today’s fast-paced world, we understand that every second is valuable to your business. We also know that managing large volumes of data requires a battle-tested database. Microsoft’s #Azure provides the tools you need to improve operational efficiency.

Watch how a data-driven company such as Lizo can utilize Cosmo DB and SQL Database to improve overall performance and business results. Contact us to learn more.


11 Aug: Digital Transformation in the Oil & Gas Industry: Combining Azure Cloud-Based Services

In today’s fast-paced world, we understand that every second is valuable to your business. We also know that managing large volumes of data requires a battle-tested database. Microsoft’s #Azure provides the tools you need to improve operational efficiency.

Watch how a data-driven company such as Lizo can utilize Cosmo DB and SQL Database to improve overall performance and business results. Contact us to learn more.


11 Aug: Customer Story: Clifton Coffee Overview

Do you want to improve communication among your employees?

With #Teamworksolutions from #Microsoft, communication has never been easier. With a single hub for accessing company resources and so many ways for your employees to easily connect with other team members, they can’t lose. Check out this video to learn how @CliftonCoffeeRoasters grew their business by adopting a Microsoft teamwork platform.

Our team at PC LINK can help you shake up your teamwork solutions and get the most out of your workday. Contact us to learn more.