Get the right tools to support your life on the go. #MSDyn365 Sales Professional enables you to work anywhere, anytime. #Microsoft #MicrosoftDynamics365 #MicrosoftOffice365
2020 August
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Tired of being chained to your desk? Do your customers want to brush up on their digital skills so they can easily work remotely?
Now, with #Teamworksolutions from #Microsoft, working remotely just got a whole lot easier. With #communication tools like calendaring, video conferencing, and instant messaging, you can enable your team to work from almost anywhere, on any device.
Need help building the perfect teamwork solution? Contact our team at PC LINK to get started today.
Curious about financial results for companies that have migrated to the cloud with Microsoft Azure IaaS? Forrester Research interviewed six customers, aggregated data, and produced a report of the five-year Total Economic Impact of Microsoft Azure IaaS. For starters, the companies experienced a 73% reduction in data center footprints and costs, and an 83% reduction in IT outsourcing costs. To read the entire report, look here: The Total Economic Impact of Microsoft Azure IaaS Contact PC LINK today for more information about Azure.
Are you ready to harness the power of your customer data? Watch how #MSDyn365 Sales Professional puts you ahead of the competition—right where you belong! Watch now. #Microsoft #MicrosoftDynamics365 #MicrosoftOffice365
For most people, working from the beach is a fantasy, but we can make it a reality for your team. Do we have your attention yet?
With #Teamworksolutions from #Microsoft, you can empower your employees to work from virtually anywhere, on any device. With features like video conferencing and instant messaging, you can always be connected to your teams.
What are you waiting for? Contact our team at PC LINK to learn how our Microsoft Teamwork solutions can make your work dreams a reality.
We know that for some businesses, real-time updates of their facilities and equipment is essential. Saving time is saving money, but it’s just as important to maintain site safety. It’s also known that cloud-based software can most efficiently manage large volumes of data. That’s where Microsoft @Azure fits the bill. Watch how a company such as Lizo can meet all of their customer needs, including cost savings. Connect with PC LINK today for more information about #Azure.
Customer feedback and data aggregation are true reflections of product results. Forrester’s financial impact report on Microsoft Azure IaaS shows two major cost reductions: 73% in data center footprint and 83% in IT outsourcing. Look at this infographic that summarizes the report or read the full study. Connect with PC LINK. @Azure #Azure
“What makes Chrome OS such a great enterprise platform?” is a quick video featuring users and IT professionals discussing their experiences working with the cloud-native operating system from Google. Responses include “data security,” “quick updates,” and “cost-effective.” For more information on Chrome OS, contact us today.
Get to know Chrome OS, the nerve center of a cloud-focused business. It’s mobile, secure, and easy to manage. For more information about Chrome OS, please contact us today. View: Introduce the cloud-native OS to your organizatio
How can you achieve up to 212% ROI or more with Microsoft Azure SQL Database Managed Instance? Lower operational costs and redirect resources to more value-add projects. Costs associated with rearchitecting apps for the cloud as well as IT administrative costs will minimize.
Forrester Consulting conducted a study to examine potential cost savings from migrating on-premises workloads to Azure. Have a look.
Contact PC LINK now for migration support.